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March 2023 Update

A sunny hello to you from the refugeeEd team. <3 We hope you have had a great month! Here is a snapshot of what we have been up to in March…

Our Community Teacher Training (CTT) Programme This month saw the start of 2 mentorship programmes for the 4 most recent graduates of the CTT course run in collaboration with Northern Lights Aid (NLA) and Movement on the Ground (MOTG) Samos. These mentees have been developing their teaching practice with dedicated mentors, and they continue to go from strength to strength. We are excited to see them using what they are learning in their classrooms! We have welcomed 2 new trainers to our cohort of wonderful training volunteers, who will both be taking on CTT courses in the next months. One of these will be the programme starting with The Workshop in Belgrade - we are very much looking forward to this course and the first time we will be working with a Serbian partner! This month we also held an in-person community teacher training workshop with Lifting Hands International (LHI) in Serres. Thank you to all the teachers who came and brought all of their amazing ideas to share and inspire each other.

Community Teacher Training Space at Lifting Hands International in Serres

Our Capacity Building Programme This last month has been a busy one planning in person training and visits to organisations working in Greece. With visits to volunteers in Thessaloniki, in person collaboration events and meet ups in Athens, Lesvos and Northern Greece and a volunteer in Samos. We have been very busy. Here are a few photographs of what we have been up to. We are so grateful to be able to support organisations in person.

Lily our education specialist who has been working online with teachers from Solidarity Now to provide support for phonics teaching. Phonics is a specialised way of teaching sounds and letters to build vocabulary to develop confidence independent reading in children from 3-9.

Lily spent 4 days observing and teaching lessons for local teachers in camps in Northern Greece. She also has raised over £500 and purchased resources for the teams to support with their programs.Athens education meet up coordinators and volunteers from Action for Education,

WeEducate and Lighthouse Relief met at the Velos Youth Space to discuss all things education. One of the key challenges discussed was how to ensure people in the camps further out of Athens are able to access the centers and how we can ensure continuity for people who move or transition from one place to another.

Our first in house in person workshop with Teach Beyond and their team of teachers who work in partnership with Metadrasi and EuroRelief to provide education to the children in the camp in Lesvos.

We focused on how to build an inclusive classroom and how to embed inclusive attitudes into your lessons.

Upcoming workshop dates for your diary.

12th April - Online Refugee Education. An introduction to teaching refugees in an online context and how to embed lifelong learning practices.

27th April - Introduction to teaching in a refugee context, information about the current situation in Greece and best practice for teaching refugee students.

If you’d like to partner with us or you’d just like to chat about anything related to education - feel free to reach out to us at!

With love, The refugeeEd team


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