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Immersing with my new role with refugeeEd

Updated: Jan 24, 2020

My name is Ana and I will be the new Field Coordinator of refugeeEd.

Having worked in different projects in Greece during the last two years, I decided to take a step forward and try to join the team at refugeeEd on the work they have been developing for the last two years. I am a teacher from Spain with a passion for education that led me to travel to Chios in summer 2017 to join an education project that was working on the island. This first experience became a turning point in my life. The reality on Chios and the work developed by NGOs on the island had such a big impact on me that I had not even gone yet that I had already decided to come back as soon as possible. After Chios, I took part in other initiatives until a group of volunteers, including myself, decided to start a new project in Athens to address a gap in educational needs at that moment.

Collective painting

It was during that time that I had the chance to get in contact with refugeeEd. We contacted Helen to find support for our class, especially to bring qualified teachers to work with us. We ran this project for a year (until it was abruptly stopped for external reasons) and during that time we received the steady support of refugeeEd until its very end: bringing new teachers for our program, such as Emily, our last Maths teacher; Lisa, a specialist in Education who guided us to improve our lessons and finally Nicole, the current Field Coordinator who met us to find out about our needs and to offer support.

Craft work by kids of the primary school run by Be Aware and Share in Chios

Therefore, it was natural for me to decide to apply for this position once I knew a new Field Coordinator was needed. And here I am!

Considering the difficult conditions in this context and the hard work that still has to be done to guarantee the right to education for all, I will do my best to keep working on it, now as a team member of refugeeEd.

During my first week I have been catching up with the promising project refugeeEd is currently developing in Greece as well as getting familiar with the team. I am discovering a new approach to improve the quality of Non Formal Education in the Greek refugee context.

We are waiting for you here!


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