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Adapting to change

Updated: Aug 16, 2020

Since May Greece has gradually been loosening its lockdown restrictions meaning life is returning to "normal". This also means that our work on the ground has returned to a new kind of normality however there are some adaptations being made. Greece now welcomes international visitors from the EU plus some other countries outside the EU, some have travel restrictions such as providing a negative Covid-19 test result before entering the country. Other countries are still banned, meaning travel is not impossible but difficult. We continue to monitor the situation carefully and keep our volunteers up to date. 

Our partner projects have started to open their doors and begin operating - with restrictions and careful attention to social distancing, mask wearing and regular cleaning. International volunteers may have to go through quarantine before working in a project, this is project specific and depends on their policy. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch: and we can give you more specific details on request. 

As of writing (13/08/2020) Greece has seen a spike in Covid-19 positive test results, partly due to more testing available but also because of free movement and international visitors. The Greek Government insists that a national lockdown will not happen but what we are seeing are local lockdowns and restrictions in certain areas of social life, such as restricted opening hours for bars and potentially restaurants. It is now mandatory to wear a mask inside a public space. 

We will update you when we know more but for now #staysafe!

The Refugee Ed Team


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